
Stockholm spökar

Vita Frun

pi Det är inte bara kungen och drottningen som huserar på Stockholms slott. Vita frun har en jobbig förmåga att dyka upp strax innan någon ska dö.



pi Personalen på Skanskvarn vid Gullmarsplan gillar inte att jobba sent. Mjölnarhustrun Linda råkade på 1800-talet tappa en 300-kilos mjölsäck på sin man. Mannen dog, och mjölnarhust-run spökar.


Kläder utan kropp

pi Enligt envisa rykten spökar det på Dramaten. Enligt säkra källor vandrar bland annat klänningar utan kropp omkring i korridorerna.


Dansande vålnader

pi Håll dig långt borta från Kåkbrinken natten mellan den 8 och 9 november. Då dansar vålnaderna från Stockholms blodbad.


SILVERPILEN Kymlinge byggdes på 60-talet men togs aldrig i bruk. I årtionden har skrämmande skrönor berättats om stationen som inte finns, och likbleka passagerare som försvinner.

Klicka på bilden för en större version.

Här är stationen där de döda går av

Kymlinge - bara för spöktåg

Döda resenärer som försvinner mellan Kista och Hallonbergen.

Spöktåg som fraktar likbleka passagerare.

Välkommen till Kymlinge - t-banestationen som inte finns.

Om du ska ta tricken mot Akalla bör du ha nerver av stål.

För på blå linjen, mellan Hallonbergen och Kista, ligger spökstationen Kymlinge, där tågen blåser förbi utan att stanna.

Stationen har fungerande spår och plattformar, men inga rulltrappor och inga trafikskyltar.

Och inga resenärer.

- Nuförtiden finns där bara råttor, säger Maria Adolfsson, informationschef på SL.

Skrämmande skrönor

Kymlinge byggdes när Järvafältet i slutet av 1960-talet skulle bli stans nya kontorsmecka. När kontorsplanerna gick i stöpet lämnades stationen åt sitt öde.

Men i årtionden har stockholmarna berättat skrämmande skrönor om den.

- Enligt sägnen är det endast de döda som stiger av tåget vid Kymlinge, säger Björn Dalborg på SL.

Spökliknande ljud

Historierna tog fart när SL 1975 började provköra "Silverpilen" - ett aluminiumfärgat tåg vars tjutande växlar gav ifrån sig spöklika ljud i tunnlarna.

- Tåget kändes igen på passagerarnas uttryckslösa, döda blick. Den som klev på kom inte av igen, berättar folklivsforskaren Bengt af Klintberg.

Sant eller inte? Spana noga ut i mörkret mellan Hallonbergen och Kista.

Du vet aldrig vad du kan få se.

Jag gick på en mörk mörk väg. I slutet av den mörka mörka vägen fanns det en mörk mörk trappa. Jag gick upp i den mörka mörka trappan där fanns en mörk mörk port. Jag öppnade den mörka mörka porten där fanns ett mörkt mörkt rum. Jag gick in i det mörka mörka rummet där fanns en mörk mörk dörr. Jag gick in i den mörka mörka dörren där fanns en mörk mörk sal. Jag gick in i den mörka mörka salen mitt i salen står det en mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk mörk kista. Jag gick fram till kistan. Jag öppnar den sakta.där ligger en en en en prickigkorv macka!!!!!!!


It was a time when the people was very scared in Mulborn street.

That’s was year 1985.

It was winter and the snow was three foot high.

But is was not that the people was scared for.

No, it was for a man with a big knife.

Nobody knows who the man was.

This story is about a family with two kids.

- Brrrr! Its very could outside! Said the dad in the family when he takes up the newspaper of the mailbox.

- Look here! Yesterday the murder killed one in our area!, said dad when he read the first side on the newspaper.

- Oh my Good! Isn´ t that our neighbour? asked mom when she looked on the picture.

- I t is our neighbour!! yell the dad.

- Cool! Said Michael when he saw the picture.

- Its not cool Michael! Can` t you see at that is a dead body on the picture? Ore are you a baby?, said the big sister Sidney.

- I` m not a baby!! I am ten years old!

- So what? I am thirteen, said Sidney.

- Stop be noisy! Don` t you understand? The dead man on the picture was our neighbour! ,said dad little angry to them.

- What `s so special with that? ,ask Michael to dad with a angry voice.

- Do you ask me that with that voice I don `t tell you!, yell the father and he was very upset.

- Shut up! I heard something upstairs! ,said mum.

Michael took a baseball racket and goes up for the stairs.

Everybody in the family was scared.

Then they heard a stab and a high yell.

Then a dead Michael falling down from the stairs.

The mum started to yell and cry.

Dad was very chocked but he took a knife from the kitchen and go upstairs.

Mum yell –No don` t go up!!

But the dad don` t listen at his whife.

He goes up slowly for the stairs.

Now was he upstairs.

He was very scared but he must kill the murder!

Now he was in the bedroom.

He walks in slow .

He looking under the bed.

That’s he don’t have done for under the bed he saw two glowing eyes.

That’s was the last he sees in his life.

The murder slash up the head on dad and took out his brain.

The murder take the brain and show mum and Sidney.

Mum yell so high so at glass cud brakes.

They couldn’t see who the murder was for the murder had a mask on his head.

Mum and Sidney run in to the kitchen.

The murder run after them.

Mum took plates and throw on the murder.

But the murder throw his knife in mums leg.

Sidney try to run out of the backdoor but the backdoor was closed, she couldn’t open it!

The murder said –you shall die!

-No!! yell Sidney and take up two knifes from a drawer.

-You can` t kill me! Cry-yell Sidney.

- I can kill you!

- Noooo!!

- Yeees!

Sidney started to waging with the knifes and then she throw one of them in the air.

The knife coming just over the murders head.

Sidney take a chair and braking a window.

She climbing out of the house just when the murder try to stabbing her.

She rush to an neighbour and knocking on they s door.

-No answer!

She kicking up the door but there was only dead body s on the floor.

She run out from the house ,but behind her come the murder!

She turn around with the knife and slashing the murder in his stomeck.

The murder falling down at the ground.

The murder was still alive but Sidney run away to a telephone kiosk.

She called the police at once.

When she talking with the police came the murder up and walk to the telephone kiosk.

The murder kicking on the telephone kiosk so the glass gets big cracks.

-Ahhh!!! Yell Sidney when she saw a bloody murder outside the telephone kiosk window.

The murder started to bleeding in his leg for he kicking the window.

-My foot!

-The police coming soon! So don’t kill me!, said Sidney.

The murder get out his foot from the glass.

The murders leg and foot was hole red now.

-I can` t stay here ,think Sidney.

So she stab a big hole in the roof and try to climbing out of there.

The murder throw his knife just in to Sidney `s foot.

She jumping down at The murder and kicking down The murder.

When the murder lie down so take Sidney of The murders mask to so who it is.


Sidney saw just now the murders mask.

That’s was hers boyfriend Kevin!

Then the police came.

They said at that was well done of her.

The police man paid Sidney 2000$ for she catch the murder.

-Can I do something before you take him to jail?, ask Sidney to the policeman.

-What stuff?

-This! ,said Sidney and kick Kevin in his head.

-Ha Ha that’s you don’t need to do ! Kevin need electrical chair now!, said the policeman an walks to the police car.


